Fotos de un novato (nwb).

11 agosto 2008

Corre (Run)

Corre (Run)

Salta IV (Jump IV)

Salta IV (Jump IV)

Sonrisa (smile)

Sonrisa (smile)

Trombon (Trombone)

Trombon (trombone)

Llaves (Keys)

Llaves (keys)

Amortiguador (shock absorver)

Amortiguador (shock absorver)

3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6

Yamaha ??

Yamaha ??

Salud (cheers)

Salud (cheers)

Beso (Kiss)

Beso (Kiss)

Aca toy (I´m here)

aca toy (I´m here)

Muerta (Dead)

Muerta (Dead)



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